Indigenous thinking, landbased knowledge – Södertörn’s University

Våra urfolksvänner Adam Gaudry från Canada och Frances Wyld gästar Stockolm den 8 februari. Adam gjorde en föreläsning för oss i oktober 2017. Frances Wyld är en frekvent gäst till Stockholm, Senast hon var har hade hon en studentgrupp om 10 personer med sig som guidades av föreningsmedlemmar på Nordiska och Historiska museet.

Indigenous thinking, landbased knowledge. Open workshop at Södertörn University, Thursday 8 Feb (13-17) in room PA238.

Detaljerat program i bilaga längst ned i denna artikel.

Indigenous thinking has traditionally been excluded from western universities as a part of the ongoing, colonial epistemicide. Yet in many ways, indigenous thinking and practice may hold keys for a richer, more sustainable way of life and understanding of the world. As a follow up to the venture into indigenous thinking in a recent course in philosophy here at Södertörn, we now invite you to participate in a workshop with leading scholars on Indigenous Studies from Canada, Sweden and Australia on indigenous thinking and landbased knowledge.

Adam Gaudry & Elaine Alexie, “Land-based Learning in Teetł’it Zheh: Thinking About and Practicing Community-Engaged Research in the Canadian Arctic”


Frances Wyld, “Indigenous Knowledges From the Heart: Monsters Under the Water and Rocks You Can No Longer Climb”

•15.15-15.30 break

Madina Tlostanova,”Decolonizing Circassian Spatial Memories, or A Feetless Bird in a Vanished Forest Garden”


The event is hosted by the research project Decolonizing Phenomenologies and the Department of Philosophy.
Contact: (070-468 69 20) This event is open to all, but please let me know if you want to come via email well in advance. Email me for abstracts.